Archives: Kursevi

  • 09/12/2024
    IANTD Rebreather courses are specialized training programs for divers that include basic training in the use of a rebreather with…
  • 09/12/2024
    IANTD sets high standards for safety and divers training and courses are conducted so that the technical divers must know…
  • 09/12/2024
    Courses in recreational and sports diving range from the beginner level – Open Water Diver to the most advanced technical…
  • 06/12/2024
    Diving experience and a solid background knowledge are essential for an IANTD instructor and they are intensively trained to become…
  • Iantd Međunarodna Asocijacija Nitrox & Technical Ronilaca D1 Resize

    Training facilities are IANTD authorized and certified infrastructures for activities provided for in general IANTD regulations. They can have three…
  • 10/07/2024
    The IANTD IANTD. is the acronym of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION of NITROX and TECHNICAL DIVERS. International Technical and Nitrox Divers…
  • Iantd Međunarodna Asocijacija Nitrox & Technical Ronilaca F3 Resize

    The IANTD IANTD. is the acronym of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION of NITROX and TECHNICAL DIVERS. International Technical and Nitrox Divers…
  • 10/07/2024
    The IANTD IANTD. is the acronym of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION of NITROX and TECHNICAL DIVERS. International Technical and Nitrox Divers…
  • 10/07/2024
    THE IANTD IANTD. is the acronym of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION of NITROX and TECHNICAL DIVERS. International Technical and Nitrox Divers…
  • 10/07/2024
    The IANTD IANTD. is the acronym of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION of NITROX and TECHNICAL DIVERS. International Technical and Nitrox Divers…